Achieve Your Goals in 2022!

career goals happiness Jan 01, 2022

2022 is here, so it's time to get started on your goals for the NEW YEAR.


 "The Best YOU in Twenty-Two"

It has a nice ring to it, right!?

Here are 4 ways to get started on the right foot to truly make 2022 the best year yet! These are next level ways of achieving goals to REALLY have success. If you're serious about making a change, achieving a goal, and optimizing your life next year, then these tips are for you!

Step 1 is to write down your list of goals for 2022. Research shows you're more than 40% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Include both personal and professional goals. Be specific! 

Next, choose from the tips below and get started.

#1 - Get an accountability partner. Find someone who can check-in with you on your goals, and offer to do the same for them. Schedule regular check-ins a couple of times a month. At the check-ins, you'll ask each...

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4 Surefire Ways to Keep Your Resolutions this Year

career goals happiness Jan 01, 2019

We've all heard the typical advice about how to set goals for the new year - write them down, track your progress, don't give up! While I encourage you to do those things too, in this article I am going to provide you with the next level of ways to make achieving goals really happen. If you're serious about making a change, achieving a goal, and optimizing your life this year, then these tips are for you!

#1 Reward yourself. Think of something you'd like to do with $120. Write it down. Then save that money by achieving your goals. For example, if your goal is to read a book a month, then when you complete the book, put a $10 bill in a jar. At the end of the year you'll have $120. Think of something in that price range and buy it at the end of the year. Take an even more aggressive approach- print a picture of that $120 thing and put it on the jar so you see it everyday as a reminder of what you're working towards. You can use the same method to achieve all types...

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Understanding and Improving Your Emotional Intelligence - Advance your career and improve your relationships!

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize, control, and express one's own emotions in an appropriate and reasonable manner, AND the ability to recognize, validate, and even influence the emotions of others.

Benefits to having a high EQ are: more success in your personal relationships, better ability to communicate with others, reduced stress and anxiety, having more empathy, and the ability to overcome life's challenges. If your EQ is great, so is your quality of life!

Signs that you have a high EQ:

- You think about your feelings and the feelings of others. You tend to stop for a moment to really understand how you or someone else feels. This process is essentially a part of your regular habits. 

- You are willing to hear what other people think about how you, in terms of how you react and behave. This includes being able to hear negative feedback about yourself with little or no defensiveness. 

- You feel and express...

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