Research shows that GRATITUDE truly does have an immensely positive effect on people's lives. It improves physical health, improves the quality of relationships, and elevates the mood. Dr. Robert A. Emmons from the University of California Berkeley, has spent the past decade studying gratefulness and has concluded that it is good for our bodies, minds, and relationships.
Here is a list of the benefits of gratefulness according to studies by Emmons' research team:
• Stronger immune systems
• Less bothered by aches and pains
• Lower blood pressure
• Better sleep quality
• Higher levels of positive emotions (e.g. more happiness!)
• More alert
• More joy and pleasure
• More optimism
• More helpful, generous, and compassionate
• More forgiving
• More outgoing
• Less lonely and isolated
Wondering what steps you can take to increase gratitude? Research concluded that people who regularly write about things they are grateful for are happier and more optimistic than people who don't focus on gratefulness, and far happier than those who focus on the negative aspects of their lives. Take some time to focus on what you are grateful for everyday. You may notice that your list of things to be grateful for is far longer than you realized!
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