5 Ways to Care for Your Mental Health During the Coronavirus Pandemic

happiness relaxation Mar 27, 2020

Caring for your mental health is important now, more than ever. There is a lot of anxiety about COVID-19. Some people are quarantined, some are afraid to lose their jobs, and some are anxious about getting sick. Everyone is impacted in some way. I have confidence we, as a planet, will get through this. Maybe we'll even be better people because of it. More loving, grateful, appreciative, and humble, to name a few. 

In the meantime, I wanted to provide you with some very good ways to care for your mental health during this difficult and unique time.


The first one helps a lot! I think it's the most important... Don't over-consume information about the virus and definitely don't read/watch virus-related information right before bed. 

Connect with family and friends. This will likely be by phone or computer, but that's the way it is right now. Reach out for help and offer support. Don't hesitate to laugh and cry together. Be authentic and talk about how you feel. 

It's ok, and actually recommended, that people distract themselves with positive things right now. Read a book, play a game, do a puzzle, binge watch a show, brainstorm a new business idea. If you are in a situation where you can get outside, do it! Fresh air is good for the health of the mind and body!

Staying informed does not mean you have to be overwhelmed. Stay healthy everyone!

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